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Shopping for Photo Scanning Services? Transferring your old photographs to digital is the easy, safe and cost effective way to preserve, protect and share you memories.
Using a online photo print digitizing service is easier than finding a local retailer to digitize your prints.
Years in business
Customers so far!
photos scanned every day
Tax Free
Not all Photo Print Digitizing Services are created equal! Shop carefully, and check reviews.
We have different grades of digitizing to match your needs.
Adds 25¢ each
Click Here - How to know which grade you need.
You have your choice
DVD data disk
USB stick
External hard drive $50
Cloud delivery
We can reproduce your physical organization into a digital structure that you will recognize.
Get a slideshow DVD of all your memories!
We can do this for slides, negatives & prints
In a hurry? No worry. We can help!
Custom image names
Other file formats
Photo albums
Extra copies
Help with shipping
Economy Print Conversion to Digital Restrictions
To qualify for our economy print conversion to digital service, we ask that you assure that your photos stay within these boundaries.
Keeping the digital files in the same order as the physical originals is important.
Using senior operators & special processes, your images are scanned in the order they are received. We can't guarantee that we never make a mistake, but we try really hard and get it just right almost always.
Using the physical organization of the originals that you create, a digital organization structure is created for your digital images. This is how we do it.
Each group in your physical organization becomes a file folder as shown above. You can create groups within groups if you like.
The best way to create your physical groups is to use rubber bands to hold individual groups together. If you want to have groups within groups, putting all the stacks of originals you want grouped together into a zip lock bag, and label the bag.
Going even further, we use the folder structure to create meaningful image names. The image name will inherit all the folder names in the structure above it, then we tack on a serial number to control the sequence.
For example: 1957- Birthdays - Kate - 001.JPG